Monday 11 April 2016

Having a well-deserved #CalmDay

"Calm the mind, change the world."
It's no secret that I am stressed. Whilst juggling two part time jobs, a mathematics degree, numerous deadlines, plus blog posts and social media, my mind is constantly working overtime, even when I'm settled in bed ready to sleep. I struggle to find the time to put life on hold, breathe and just relax for a moment. Until, that is, Calm came into the picture.

On Tuesday, I received a lovely 'Keep Calm Package'* from Penguin Random House (a special thank you to Kayleigh goes here!) to celebrate Michael Acton Smith's Calm and take part in #calmday. Not only did it have treats such as sweet tea and chocolate to help me relax, but I received my very own copy of Calm*, and oh my, what a beautiful book it is.

"The mind is it's own place, and it can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven."

The book has eight inspirational and practical sections - Nature, Sleep, Travel, Relationships, Work, Children, Creativity and Food - each with creative prompts, activities and instructions to help you become mindful of your life and fully appreciate the power of calm.

"The moral of the story is: don't let your thinking limit you."

One feature I really like about Calm* is that there are no rules, and it's all about making it whatever you want it to be. It doesn't have to be read linearly and so you can dip in and out however you choose, picking out exercises you'd like to try or simply flicking through it when life becomes a little overwhelming. And your eyes will never get bored as each and every page is simply stunning - I honestly had to consciously resist taking a photo of every single page to show you guys. 😍 (And I feel like I haven't done it justice with the images I have because I didn't capture a picture of one of the full colour pages!)

Let me know what you do to keep calm and relax yourself by either commenting or tweeting me at @ashtongibbs, and let me know what you think of Calm in the comments below. 😊

"Be calm. Be free. Be yourself."

*I was gifted Calm in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and compliments and loving are my own!
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  1. I've seen so many people talking about this book over the last few months and I really feel like I need it in my life. I love how every page seems to involve a completely different concept - yep, I definitely need this haha! Lovely review x

    Kathryn | Chapters of Kat

  2. I love this book! I've had it for a few months now,although I've only really flicked through it in brief so far. Its just so inspiring, and so beautiful to look at! x x
