Friday, 6 May 2016

So, I didn't follow you back on Twitter?

I'm pretty sure it's happened to us all. You get a new follower on Twitter at, let's say, 8pm one night. Cool. Hey there, maybe we'll end up being friends. But if you haven't followed them back by the next day, well, they don't hesitate to click the unfollow button. And sometimes it happens with the same person a few times. You've done nothing to offend them overnight, except not follow them back straight away. But what is so wrong with that?

** Before I get started, just a heads up. This is not a post about how I'm never ever gonna follow anyone. I'm worried it comes across that way for the first half. Trust me, I love finding new people to follow!

I love Twitter. I practically live on there. I got some good news? Time to tweet. Something funny happened? Time to tweet. Boyfriend is winding me up? Time to tweet. (Love you really boo.)

And there was a time, before I'd started blogging and through to my first few months of blogging, that I followed everyone back. I was following thousands and thousands. I wanted to be polite, I didn't want people to think I was rude, or thought a lot of myself. I didn't want to come across unfriendly, or hostile. I didn't wanna be that person who has followers they're not bothered about (my followers are awesome FYI).

But I don't do that any more. In fact, I had to have a huge clear out some time last year.

I found myself not interacting with anyone, because my timeline was just too unbelievably clogged up and constantly refreshing, and I'd miss 9846398457 tweets every time it refreshed.

But that doesn't mean I'm never following anyone again, obvs. I'm always finding new peeps!

If you follow me, you're fab, and you should chat to me. Reply to some of my tweets and be my friend. I wanna know you. I love chatting. Let's be pals. Then I'll probably follow you back and stalk you everyday via Twitter. (That is what friends do, right?)

In fact, I might even already follow you without following you. ("Whut?"). I have numerous lists I use on my Twitter account for different groups of people. A list for beauty bloggers, a list for authors, a list for small businesses, a list for lifestyle bloggers etc etc etc. I scroll through these pretty much every day looking at people's posts and what they've shared, without them clogging up my general timeline. Simples!

(If you're not sure what a list is in the world of Twitter, click here.)

Moral of the story: don't follow me if all you're after is an immediate "follow4follow bbz", 'cause believe it or not, I actually like to interact with people, and not just use them as a number. And if you do follow me - yay! Come and tweet me. Honestly. I love a good ol' tweet.

Have you had problems with people repeatedly following and unfollowing you? Or maybe you disagree and like an extremely busy timeline? Let me know in the comments below!
Follow on Bloglovin' :: Follow on Twitter :: Follow on Facebook 
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  1. Great post! I believe in what you have put up in this blog post. Interesting read...

  2. I remember once I had a girl that kept following and unfollowing so much (on Instagram and on Twitter at the same time. Sigh.) that I ended up calling her out on Twitter and outright asking why she was doing it. Then she blocked me. HA. Some people need to get a grip! Social media should be SOCIAL, not just a way to hit targets! Fab post, Ashton :)

    Rhianna xx

  3. This is such a great post! I hate it when people constantly follow/unfollow. Whenever I follow someone it's because I want to see their content, and if they follow me back that's just a bonus! I recently had a clear out of my following and it's so much nicer to only have the accounts that I enjoy reading coming up on my timeline, rather than everyone for the sake of it.

    Thanks for writing such an awesome post, I really agree with what you've said.

    Liza xx

  4. Ah yes I love this! It frustrates me so much when people follow and then unfollow and then follow again, just to unfollow two days later. I don't understand why anyone would do it!

  5. My timeline has been way too busy recently, but I've already culled it. I think lists may be the way forward! It really frustrates me when people follow and unfollow. I had it recently with a guy who retweeted a lot of my blog posts. Great. Then he followed me. Lovely. I checked his profile out but he posted nothing at all I would be interested in reading. So I didn't follow back. Over a few days I kept getting notifications that he had followed me again (thus obviously had unfollowed me.) So irritating! All because I didn't follow him back...lame. x x

  6. I've had that all this week, and I'm quite good at ignoring it.. I don't mind if people don't follow me back, I might not tweet what people are interested, and that's fine! It doesn't mean I'm going to unfollow, especially if I enjoy the tweets or the blog that is attached. I have unfollowed people for different reasons but I'm not a follow unfollow type of person.

    Such a relatable post!!

    Jamie-Leigh x x

  7. Oh god, this happens to me ALL the freaking time and it's so annoying! I agree with everything you say though xx

    Sam // What I Know Now

  8. I know what you mean. I hate it when people follow/unfollow me on social media, it's so annoying!!

