Thursday, 18 August 2016

I made a video!

Pretty much every night that I get into bed I'll sit up on my phone for half an hour or so (okay, it actually probably ends up being like two hours or something, whoops!) watching random YouTube videos from bloggers and travellers and whoever else. And I always find myself thinking "I want to do that".

So today, I uploaded my first YouTube video - yey! 🎥

Quite honestly, I am clueless. I don't really know how my video editor works, I don't really know how YouTube's upload process works. I clicked here and there and somehow got through it.

I'm too scared to get in front of the camera right now. Sorry. But I've made a little montage of my holiday from back in June and put some fun music with it. Ta-dah!

My video isn't spectacular. Very far from it. But it's a start, and I'm sure with plenty of practise I'll soon be a video editing whizz... maybe. Filming bits of my holiday to Benidorm was pretty much a way for me to just have a go at cropping and editing videos and music so that I can attempt to do a better job down the line.

So be nice!

It's embedded below but you can find the link to the video here:
And the link to my boring ol' channel here:

I hope you have at least a little bit of fun watching it, and fingers crossed I'll have more videos soon. Let me know what you think. 😃 Adios!
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1 comment:

  1. Yaaaaay! I could watch videos allllll day! Those lil meerkats are the cutest! x
