Sunday 17 January 2016

Planning My Year with Stick to Stigu

Let me start with a happy belated new year, and apologies for the lack of blog posts! My January has been incredibly hectic due to it being that horrid time of the year - semester one exams. I'm half way through them now and so wanted to show you what I'm using to plan my 2016.

Stick to Stigu kindly sent me their planner* to start my year with, and I can safely say I've not loved a planner so much in my life. It's been kept by my side daily, and I've enjoyed planning my days week by week.

The Stick to Stigu planner* is a planner with a twist. It acts as an organiser, a calendar, a to-do pad and a rest and zest handbook, all in one place! It starts with a page from the Stigu team explaining how you can use your new pad, and even has a page for you to write your details should you lose your planner (tut tut, how naughty of you that would be!).

Every month focuses on a new task for you, from relaxing, to expressing yourself, to letting go. Although I don't talk about it much, I have a fair bit of anxiety, worry and stress, and this lovely little binder of paper takes the time to remind me that it's okay to chill out sometimes, and it's a necessity to have fun.

Each week of the year is on a double spread page. On the left is a blank page for you to write to-do lists, and on the right is a page with boxes for you to write your daily appointments and tasks. Every week is accompanied by little tasks, quotes and facts, which I love reading!

I've been decorating my Stigu week by week with cute stickers to make my planning that little bit more fun! I keep my stickers in a handy pocket at the back of the planner so I can decorate on the go, and there are also some blank pages for doodles and scribbles.

Already, my friends at uni have seen me using this planner and some have decided to invest in their own immediately. Planning my weeks has now become fun and a bit of hobby with my Stigu* (and it keeps me productive too, of course!). I can safely say I would happily use a Stigu planner each and every year from now on... Who knew writing down appointments, exams and chores could become such fun?!

Like the look of my Stick to Stigu planner*? Let me know in the comments below (and buy one; you won't regret it)!
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  1. Wow that looks like a really fun way to stay organised! Might look into getting one.

  2. I have one of these and I love it too! Think I definitely need to invest in some stickers to go with it!!

    Jordan | JordanCourtney

  3. Oh this looks great! I've seen a few planners recently but not this, thanks for sharing #thegirlgang


  4. I love stuff like this! Also really like the layout of your blog x
