The Fixer: The Naked Man* is the first installment in a new thriller and suspense series. It tells the story of Katerina, a young girl who finds herself stuck in a string of temp jobs after ditching her cheating lover, who also happens to be her ex-boss. She finds herself struggling for money and soon has a problem: she needs $14,000 in two weeks or she'll lose her apartment and education.
Then she stumbles upon a job she can't turn down. And so Katerina becomes a 'fixer' for the wealthy men of New York. She simply has to 'fix' their problems quick, no questions asked and no trail left. With plenty of skills acquired from her past shady boss, Katerina finds the job a breeze... to begin with. But when the jobs start to become more difficult and become a risk, Katerina finds herself torn between her own ethics and her need for money...
" 'There are rules," Jasmine continued, in an even, soft monotone. 'You must follow the rules. If you don't, there will be no reason for you to be here.' "
The novella starts with a bang as we are immediately thrown into the action with Katerina. It's fast-paced and exciting with each and every turn in the story, and as we follow Katerina on her journeys, we begin to unravel who she is and how she thinks, revealing a wonderfully relatable character. She's young, she's smart and, most importantly, she has a conscience, and I found myself really rooting for her throughout the book.
"Ethics is whatever you want it to be, as long as you can explain it so that you can sleep nights."
Whilst secondary characters in the book are not as fleshed out and developed, each one is still incredibly interesting to witness, from the wealthy men looking for a 'fix', to the anxious, OCD burglar, Mr Winter.
I can honestly say that I was not bored at any single point in the book whatsoever. I was eager to find out how Katerina would work her way around her dificult duties, and enjoyed being introduced to mysterious characters along her journey.
The fun and fast-paced story finished with a cliffhanger that definitely left me wanting more. I can't wait to get my hands on the next installment and follow Katerina in what hopefully will be a string of even bigger and riskier jobs.
Packed with thrills and fun characters, The Fixer: The Naked Man* is a quick and exciting read with a cliffhanger to leave you wanting more.
This book review was posted as part of the BookBear blog tour.
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