Monday, 21 March 2016

Let Me Tell You This #3

You may have seen at the end of January that I started a new feature called Let Me Tell You This; a post where I simply rounded up my week by telling you about fun things I've read, significant points in my life as well as any entertaining links I thought you guys might like. Well, useless old me only kept it up for two weeks (seriously, just twice), and now I wanna bring it back. Maybe not every week - I might have some pretty boring weeks where I can't write anything - but as much as I can. So, what's new this week?

  1. On Tuesday, I had my second round of rhinoplasty (more commonly known as a nose job). Most people have been incredibly supportive, but some people have judged too. I currently have a horrible cast on my face and stitches in my nose, but I can't wait to see the results.
  2. I came across a post of Aisling's from last year that perfectly described what goes through every girl's head on a trip to Primark. Definitely take a read if you're looking for something relateable!
  3. Grace wrote an eye-opening post telling us why we should stop comparing ourselves to people we see on social media. I, as well as many other people, have a habit of doing this and then putting myself down, so this post was a much-needed reality check for me.
  4. Sign up for the first ever Girl Gang event opened on Monday and only the first 40 people to sign up managed to get a spot. I was in London for the day so had to rely on my dodgy 4G internet, and after crossing my fingers and boobs, as instructed by Jemma @ Dorkface, I managed to get on the list - woohoo! Definitely something to look forward to.
  5. Monopoly at McDonalds is back, and I'm excited. Buying McDonalds to then win free McDonalds? YES PLEASE.
  6. I can't get enough of Sarah Ashcroft's snapchat story. She's currently in the Maldives and, holy jamalama, it looks like heaven. I'll end the post here with some of her pictures so you can all admire the beautiful scenery, and the beautiful Sarah too of course. #girlcrush

These photos were taken from Sarah Ashcroft's instagram account and all belong to her.
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  1. Oh gosh, I had no idea you were having rhinoplasty! Some people are so quick to judge, unfortunately. No judgment here. Just sending healing thoughts, and hoping you love the result! :) Oh my god, McDonalds Monopoly is back?! Yas! So going there this week. Haha. Thanks for the heads-up ;) x x

    1. Haha, I kept it quiet at first because I was sick of people telling me I was silly or an idiot, but now it's done I might as well be open about it. :) Haha do it! I won some chicken nuggets this week... happy times! ;) xx

      Ashton | Beauty, Books and Babble

  2. I've been totally jealous of Sarah's snaps too! I've always wanted to go to the Maldives! I really want a nose job too so id be fascinated to hear about yours - will you be doing a post on it?

    Leah xx

    1. It just looks so amazing doesn't it?! <3 I'm going to write a post and see how I feel about posting it when it's done - I'm so worried about judgment haha! xx

      Ashton | Beauty, Books and Babble
